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Showing posts from June, 2012

Thrilled to be a Sinner!

I read these words this morning: "In accusing me of being a damnable sinner . . . you are reminding me of God's fatherly goodness toward me . . . you really comfort me above measure."          Martin Luther As I read this words, I realized that I have something to be grateful for that in the past, I'd only despised - I'm so very grateful that I'm a sinner for it means that Christ died for me. I'm actually excited about being a sinner! If I were not, I would have no need of the cross, no need of Christ. If I could do it on my own, if my works and my goodness could bring me to heaven, I wouldn't need a Savior. So, when the enemy of your soul accuses you, when your faults and failings and sin threaten to engulf you, rejoice.They are your reminders that Christ died for you.