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Showing posts from December, 2012

Christmas Past

Christmas - a time of year so full of joy, of family, of friends that one can almost see the magic in the air - reach out but a little and touch it. I love that about this time of year - the thrill of the season is everywhere. I decorated our Christmas tree last night, and with virtually every ornament, anticipation for the holiday, for treasured time alone with my son and daughter-in-law built; and with virtually every ornament, scenes from Christmases of years gone by came alive as if the Spirit of Christmas Past held my hand and flew me back through the years, and tears flowed freely: tears of the happiness that was, tears of sorrow for what will never be again, tears of grief for those I will only see once more when I pass from this life. What a mix of emotions! Although, when it comes to the holidays, I dare to think that I'm not the only one who experiences such elation and sorrow within the same moment. Very few of us escape this life without loss and without grief; and ...

Looking Up, Not at the Asphalt

December 2, 2012 brought with it beautiful deep blue skies with nary a cloud and temperatures warm enough to bask in. A perfect day for a walk. So I took one. Taking a walk is not an odd thing for me to do. I like walks. Having a dog is a great excuse to make myself do it even when the weather isn't December 2-ish all year round. I like to walk in the evening, after most of the day has passed. It gives me time to let the thoughts in my brain catch up to the activities and conversations my body and ears have taken in on that particular day. It's a time to reflect, to unravel my mental and emotional threads and place them in their corresponding slots in this brain of mine that has to organize it's thoughts in such a way. On this particular walk, my brain was quite busy. I had a slew of unorganized thoughts that needed to be untangled and set straight, labeled, and placed in their proper places on the shelves of my mind. I walked for a little over an hour. About forty five...