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Showing posts from September, 2013

Where You Are

Have you ever sung a song, and in the midst of singing it, realized exactly what you were saying? A light bulb moment of the musical variety. The tune is catchy, so you la-la-la along, then BAM! Oh my gosh! Yeah! This is right! And you sing all the more emphatically. Or perhaps, like I did the other day at church, it's Oh my gosh! What am I saying? I'm lying. To God. In church. And He knows it! So what lyrics made me stop mid-song? Send me out to the world to make You known Send me out to the world to make you known Send me out to the world The world is a big place, and the truth is I don't want to go "out to the world." I have some health issues that often make travel more trouble than it's worth, plus I simply like to lay my head down on my own comfy pillow in my own snugly bed each night. We (everyone but me) sang the song through a second time, and I realized that there were a few lines that I could sing and mean them wholeheartedly: I wanna...