Do you remember what the officiant said at your wedding? At any wedding? Neither do I. At least, I don't remember most of them - my own and my children's included - but I do remember one. Though I now attend a non-denominational church, I was raised Catholic. And not just a little Catholic. We were very Catholic. Perhaps other denominations celebrate Easter and Easter week as enthusiastically as Catholics, but I think they'd be hard-pressed to beat them (as if it's a competition): we went to church on Holy Thursday. We stayed inside between noon and 3:00 on Good Friday. We attended church on Friday, Saturday night, and Sunday morning. I loved the solemnity. I loved the celebration. I loved the traditions. I loved remembering what our faith was all about. Those days were always set aside. We did nothing but Holy Week during Holy Week, and I continued that tradition, as best I could, with my own family. Then two years ago, I was invited to a wedding that would take pl...
Thoughts on life and faith