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Back At It

My apologies to my massive fan-base for my silence the past few weeks. I've opened this page several times in an attempt to blog, but the result has been . . . well, nothing - nothing at all. I think I might have inserted a title at one point, but then no words came to fill the void below the title. It's been a busy year within my family: both of my children got married, one of them also graduated from college, both of them moved with their new spouses, one of them to a new city; but this past month has been especially full. Of late, I've found myself in conversations with people, knowing that it's mine turn to say something, willing myself to come up with words - any words to fill the empty air between us as my co-conversant stares at me in expectation, but my brain is blank. Nada. Zip. Zilcho. Zero. Null.

Thus my silence on the written page. There was simply nothing there.

In this brain-dead state, I despaired of ever writing again. What had I been thinking anyway? There are SO many whose talent with words far exceeds my own (Check out these blogs for example: poems for the flesh, and Dear Droppings). Yet I drug myself to the monthly meeting of the Columbia Chapter of the Missouri Writers' Guild this past Sunday. As usual, I came home discouraged: "how do these people find time to write? They're all so good - which explains why most of them are published. I'll never get published. What am I doing? What a waste of time!" Although discouraged, there must have been a glowing cinder within me somewhere for as I pondered tossing in the towel, that cinder began to glow. I knew I couldn't give it up. Even if I never submit anything for publication, I have to write. To imagine my life without writing, was to imagine a dull and boring life, a non-life, a life of going through the motions zombie-like. So I'm back the keyboard for better or worse.


  1. Keep at it momma! You are gifted. Jesus will use you. Never ever ever ever give up.

    Thats something you and did taught us kiddos.

  2. Because your blog is posted more recent entries first, I had just read about believing God and taking that step into the rushing river...maybe it was actually written through you for you! (Okay, and for me too!)


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