Who inspires you to do what you do? A reporter asked me that question this morning in regards to writing. I was stumped at first. There are so many authors whose work I admire. How to narrow it down? I even had a little over twenty four hours to mull it over, but I still fumbled around when it came time to answer. I finally got it narrowed down to four: J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis for their creativity, Elizabeth George for suspense, and Astrid Lindgren (of Pippi Longstocking fame) for plain old silliness. I'd never thought much about who/what inspires me. Have you? Without inspiration, would we still be reading our books by candlelight or traveling across the U.S. in covered wagons? What inspires me will likely do nothing for you and what inspires you is probably meaningless to me. What is it inside of us that connects to an external who or what and gives us that jolt, that motivation, that passion to go further, to reach higher, to persevere? I don't know the answer to that,...
Thoughts on life and faith