Over the past seven months, I have had to force my brain to think in ways previously foreign to it. Due to the responsibilities of my day-job, I've been compeled to think like a computer program. This has not been an easy task for one such as myself. My motto when it comes to learning new software has always been, "you figure it out then just tell me what to do." Now that I have climbed the mountain, crossed the desert, and traversed the wasteland of setting up and learning new software on my own, I have come to the momentous conclusion that I was right - You figure it out and just tell me what to do. I tell you all this as an excuse for my lack of a blog this week (does writing a blog about not writing a blog negate my claim that I didn't write a blog?). The gears that churn inside my head aren't rusty, they've melted together from over-use and can no longer move. My normal brain-cells have been pummeled, tortured, twisted, stomped upon, and ground into sens...
Thoughts on life and faith