. . . the final frontier. And I don't mean Star Trek. I mean brain-space, heart-space, space for thought. Space for God.
Life is full. Each day bombards us with a cacophony of sights and sounds. It takes work on our part to sort through this barrage and pull out the information we need, the information we want, the images, the thoughts that will belong to us and to our memories.
In addition to this onslaught of stimulation, most of us carry around a to-do list so long that it wouldn't fit on a triple roll of Charmin written in a size six font. We're a civilization that exists on over-load.
Captain Kirk had to risk taking the Enterprise out of its dock in order to explore that final frontier because space doesn't just happen. It doesn't come to us nor does it scream at us for attention. It doesn't jump up and down flailing its arms. Some of us need more of it than others.
Growing up, our next door neighbor used to sit out in his screened-in porch for hours every day. No book. No music. Just him. I took it for granted then. That's just what Rich did. Now I envy that time he took every day. I want to follow his example. I want to purposely make space - internal space. I want to make time for the dust that comes from each day's information attack to settle so I can see clearly once again. I want to sit still and allow the clamor of life to quiet so that I can hear God's voice instead of my own or the myriad of others that come at me each day. I want to intentionally sift through my life and let fall those things that aren't mine to hold onto and to make space to hold onto those things that are.
I want to find the unexplored space within my soul that is meant for God alone, and I want to go there every day.
Life is full. Each day bombards us with a cacophony of sights and sounds. It takes work on our part to sort through this barrage and pull out the information we need, the information we want, the images, the thoughts that will belong to us and to our memories.
In addition to this onslaught of stimulation, most of us carry around a to-do list so long that it wouldn't fit on a triple roll of Charmin written in a size six font. We're a civilization that exists on over-load.
Captain Kirk had to risk taking the Enterprise out of its dock in order to explore that final frontier because space doesn't just happen. It doesn't come to us nor does it scream at us for attention. It doesn't jump up and down flailing its arms. Some of us need more of it than others.
Growing up, our next door neighbor used to sit out in his screened-in porch for hours every day. No book. No music. Just him. I took it for granted then. That's just what Rich did. Now I envy that time he took every day. I want to follow his example. I want to purposely make space - internal space. I want to make time for the dust that comes from each day's information attack to settle so I can see clearly once again. I want to sit still and allow the clamor of life to quiet so that I can hear God's voice instead of my own or the myriad of others that come at me each day. I want to intentionally sift through my life and let fall those things that aren't mine to hold onto and to make space to hold onto those things that are.
I want to find the unexplored space within my soul that is meant for God alone, and I want to go there every day.
Amen, my sista, amen!