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Joseph and Floyd - Two of My Heros

I grew up watching The Andy Griffith Show and Mayberry, R.F.D. My childhood in St. Louis was a pretty far cry from the small town life of Mayberry, but my parents taught me many of the same lessons that the folks in Mayberry learned each week in those early years of my life. Somehow, though, Andy, Opie, Aunt Bea, Goober, Floyd, Howard, and Helen made the lessons much more entertaining than my parents did.

There's one lesson that I can't quite get though. Remember Great-Great-Great Grandfather Seth? No? I'm not surprised. I doubt he was mentioned in any but the one episode that I recently watched. Apparently, Seth Taylor was one of the founding fathers of Mayberry, and the Mayberry of the 1960s decided to contract a stone-mason to make a statue to honor him.

Aunt Bea is flustered with joy over this honor until she and Andy find out that Great-Great-Great Grandfather Seth was, in truth, a swindler. He became a wealthy man through some insider knowledge. When the day comes to unveil the statue in the town center, Aunt Bea begins her speech. She's convinced herself that her ancestor's more unseemly side should remain hidden. After all, what purpose would it serve now to discredit him? Unfortunately, Aunt Bea's conscience isn't in full agreement with the decision, and she's unable to make it through her speech. Andy comes to her aid by excusing his aunt to the audience and calling a private meeting of "the committee."

Back in the courthouse, "the committee," learns of Seth Taylor's less-than-honorable dealings. They pace and fret and ponder what to do. They just spent $1200 on a statue to honor him. It's Floyd, the slow speaking barber who never seems to have a customer but some how makes a living, who saves the day. Floyd wanted the statue to be of his ancestor and has had an attitude throughout this particular episode. You would think this new information would be fuel for his fire. He has grounds for plenty of "I told you so's."

But this is Mayberry where people, with all their flaws and foolishness, still want what's best for everyone. So Floyd speaks up. He steps back and takes a look at the big picture. If it hadn't been for Seth Taylor's swindling ways, the main train depot would have come through Mayberry and Mayberry would have ended up as a big city - just like Mount Pilot (population - 20,000) - and that would have made all their lives very different and not very agreeable to any of them.

The episode reminded me of another, perhaps more familiar, story. It took place long before Uncle Seth or Mayberry came along. Ever since I read Joseph and The Coat of Many Colors in second grade, it's been one of my favorite stories, but no matter how many times I read it, I am always in awe of Joseph's response to his brothers in Genesis 50:19

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good."

At this point in the story, Jacob had just died. Joseph's brothers are now afraid of him. They think that Joseph had only been kind to them because of their father. Joseph has the power to make them slaves or even put them to death, and they know it; but they have nothing to fear. Joseph has truly forgiven them. He holds no grudge against them. He's forgotten the past and only sees the big picture. He only sees God in his life's story.

So there you have it, Joseph and Floyd. Two men who knew how to step back from their own personal pain, their own indignation and rejection, to dismiss it with a gentle wave of the hand and see the big picture, see only the good that came out of the bad.

I sincerely hope that some day I will grow up to be just like them.


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