I'm sure you've heard the term, "the highways of life," and if you've ever lived in a big city, near a big city, or traveled through a big city via their highway system, you know that not every interchange is a simple exit from one roadway to the next. Sometimes the exit/entrance ramp loops around, over, and/or under the converging highway. It can be confusing, and you're not always sure you made it onto the right road. Life can be like that - not every change is a simple glide from one season to the next. Sometimes the new road doesn't feel right. Surely we've taken a wrong turn. We're on the wrong road.This is just too different. The sun is on the left now, glaring through the driver side window. The terrain is unfamiliar too - sand and cactus instead of oaks and lush green grass. You want to turn around and get back on the other highway. The familiar one. The comfortable one. The thing is we don't always choose which highway to get on ne...
Thoughts on life and faith