Be careful what you pray for ...It's not an uncommon phrase, and one full of the wisdom of experience. In praying for patience, you will likely find yourself in situations that require patience. In praying for greater faith, situations that require faith will likely be the order of the day. I thought I had learned this lesson. I don't know what got into me, but a month or so ago, I began to ask God to show me my sins, to show me areas of my life that needed repentance. And you know what? Yep, He answered my prayer. I went from patting myself on the back because I thought I had climbed pretty darn high on the thoughtfulness/kindness/goodness ladder to sliding so far down that I had to look up to see the bottom rung. My eyes opened, and I saw that I was the most wretched wretch I knew. I repented. Then I promptly isolated myself from God. I withdrew. I was subconsciously convinced that He was angry with me. How could He not be? I was angry with myself. Disgusted at my thoug...
Thoughts on life and faith