As I write this, it is the Wednesday before Mothers' Day. One would think that an ode to mothers would be appropriate for today's blog, but I find that there's something else on my heart that I have to share. I'm sure my mom won't mind. Actually, considering where she is, I believe she's cheering me on!
I read a devotional yesterday. The topic was the God of the Old Testament. It piqued my interest immediately because, up until recently, that was a trouble spot in my faith. I mean, be honest, reading the O.T. can be a real turn-off some times - all that wrath of God stuff. It's just not pretty. Then God says things like He never changes (Malachi 3:6) and that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). So we're left to reconcile the angry, vengeful God of the Old Testament with the loving, compassionate Jesus of the New Testament.
While I completely agree with the writer of yesterday's devotional that "when there seems to be a discrepancy between how God appears in Scripture and how I’d like Him to be, I’m the one who has to adjust," I'm completely confident that the good news that the gospel offers to us goes far beyond the devotional's conclusion, "Is it safe to say that God still wants us to remove sinful attitudes from our hearts and behaviors from our lives? I think yes."
There's more to the conclusion, but this is the part that screamed at me from my computer screen. Of course, I agree that God isn't thrilled about the sin in our lives, but if we're able to cleanse ourselves of sin, what's the deal with Jesus and the cross? Why did He suffer such a fate that the thought of it caused Him to sweat drops of blood? If we can do it ourselves, the Cross means nothing. It holds no power.
The good news is that we can't do it (yes, that's GOOD news). However good we make ourselves, we look to God like nothing more than the rag we used to clean the toilet, and the engine block on that 1980 Chevy recently purchased from the junk yard, and the garage floor that the cat used as a litter box, the potting soil spilled all over, and the lawn mower leaked gas and oil all winter long.
Our only hope is the Cross.
All that wrath of the "Old Testament God?" It was all - ALL poured out on Jesus at the Cross. There isn't any wrath left. Nothing. Nada. Zilcho. Jesus took it ALL! Yes, our God is a holy God, and there is nothing in us that could ever come close to the holiness demanded by Who He is. So Jesus came. There was no other way. There is no other way. We'll never be good enough to stand in the presence of the One who created us, but because God wants us; because He loves us; because His ultimate goal is to be with us for eternity, Jesus came. Jesus stood in for you. He stood in for me. Everything we've ever done, everything we've ever thought, every atom of hate or selfishness or pride or strife, every sin we've ever carried within our hearts or will carry - Jesus took it and walked with it through the streets of Jerusalem to Golgotha, and there, because Jesus had become sin through and through, the Father let lose His wrath until there was nothing of it left. God spent it all - fully and completely - on Jesus.
There's nothing left now. There's only grace.
And that's the best news I've ever heard.
I read a devotional yesterday. The topic was the God of the Old Testament. It piqued my interest immediately because, up until recently, that was a trouble spot in my faith. I mean, be honest, reading the O.T. can be a real turn-off some times - all that wrath of God stuff. It's just not pretty. Then God says things like He never changes (Malachi 3:6) and that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). So we're left to reconcile the angry, vengeful God of the Old Testament with the loving, compassionate Jesus of the New Testament.
While I completely agree with the writer of yesterday's devotional that "when there seems to be a discrepancy between how God appears in Scripture and how I’d like Him to be, I’m the one who has to adjust," I'm completely confident that the good news that the gospel offers to us goes far beyond the devotional's conclusion, "Is it safe to say that God still wants us to remove sinful attitudes from our hearts and behaviors from our lives? I think yes."
There's more to the conclusion, but this is the part that screamed at me from my computer screen. Of course, I agree that God isn't thrilled about the sin in our lives, but if we're able to cleanse ourselves of sin, what's the deal with Jesus and the cross? Why did He suffer such a fate that the thought of it caused Him to sweat drops of blood? If we can do it ourselves, the Cross means nothing. It holds no power.
The good news is that we can't do it (yes, that's GOOD news). However good we make ourselves, we look to God like nothing more than the rag we used to clean the toilet, and the engine block on that 1980 Chevy recently purchased from the junk yard, and the garage floor that the cat used as a litter box, the potting soil spilled all over, and the lawn mower leaked gas and oil all winter long.
Our only hope is the Cross.
All that wrath of the "Old Testament God?" It was all - ALL poured out on Jesus at the Cross. There isn't any wrath left. Nothing. Nada. Zilcho. Jesus took it ALL! Yes, our God is a holy God, and there is nothing in us that could ever come close to the holiness demanded by Who He is. So Jesus came. There was no other way. There is no other way. We'll never be good enough to stand in the presence of the One who created us, but because God wants us; because He loves us; because His ultimate goal is to be with us for eternity, Jesus came. Jesus stood in for you. He stood in for me. Everything we've ever done, everything we've ever thought, every atom of hate or selfishness or pride or strife, every sin we've ever carried within our hearts or will carry - Jesus took it and walked with it through the streets of Jerusalem to Golgotha, and there, because Jesus had become sin through and through, the Father let lose His wrath until there was nothing of it left. God spent it all - fully and completely - on Jesus.
There's nothing left now. There's only grace.
And that's the best news I've ever heard.
ReplyDeleteThe devotional you're referring to sounds SO familiar. Where have I heard those words....? :o)
I love where you took this. And I couldn't agree more. I have been in a place recently, looking at lives and hearing conversations, where people do not seem concerned at all with participating in the sanctification process. Grace is cheap to some and I believe that breaks God's heart. He paid too much for us to take it for granted.
Amen to the fact that Jesus took it all! I am so grateful that I don't have to stand before God's wrath. He still has it, though. It's just not directed at me because Jesus has interceded on my behalf. God's power and anger toward sin in the world has not ebbed - we just have a way out through Jesus. And you are right - that is GOOD news!
We don't have to live in fear of Jesus' return, either, when that wrath will be poured out once again on the nations. Not on His children, but on His enemies. And He only waits out of compassionate mercy, hoping more will respond to His loving and graceful invitation. Oh, that it would be so.....
Remember how Mamasita used to be so big on "confirmations"? Well, this was so well-timed. Yesterday, amidst all my studying for tests and finals, I tuned into hearing what the Father had for me. And I was amazed at how precious the thought of Jesus being the LAMB of God. The Lamb. How sweet and gentle and innocent of ANY wrong doing is a lamb! To make a long vision short, I was so inspired as you were in your unworthy am I to receive such amazing grace, amazing pardon. I sense the Father putting His finger under my chin and lifting my head so that my eyes meet His. And our embrace is so, so real.