Our car isn't working properly. Some times it starts just fine, but more often than not, it takes a number of attempts before the engine turns over. We have to get it in the shop for a little maintenance, so it will once again run smoothly - exactly the way its makers intended it to run. Our summer, as usual, has been very busy. Our typical Monday night dates have taken a back seat to the demands of life. The other day, I looked at my husband and introduced myself. It had been that long since we'd had any time alone together (you can imagine my relief when I found out that the man standing in my kitchen was, indeed, my husband. Whew!). Yesterday morning, Marc (said husband), said to me, "the car needs maintenance, so we have to put it in the shop. It's an inconvenience, but we have to do it." He then likened marriage maintenance to car maintenance - just as there's never a good time to be one car down, there's never a good time to drop everything and spend...